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- From: Michael Carlin <migca@wco.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Hill's UFO book, a BIG problem for skeptics
- Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 16:18:34 -0700
- Organization: West Coast Online's News Server - Not responsible for content
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <31B8B8CA.1561@wco.com>
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- Hal wrote:
- >
- > mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu (Matt Kennel) writes:
- >
- > >OK. So we'd have to violate conservation of momentum, and Newton's second
- > >law. Just want to be clear on that.
- >
- > I am reading Hill's book, and he seems to be going to some length to
- > preserve conservation of momentum. His UFO's push on the Earth to get
- > their acceleration. Now he has to postulate a new kind of force for this
- > to happen, but apparently this is considered more acceptable than
- > abandoning conservation of momentum and energy.
- >
- > Hill quotes a couple of incidents where UFO's passed right over people
- > and cars, and he claims that they were pushed down by this repulsive
- > force.
- If this were the case, I'd expect more reports of UFOs pushing down on any
- object underneath it. Trees, etc. Offhand, I don't recall any reports
- indicating this or photos that showed this.
- >
- > It's not clear how they get the tremendous horizontal accelerations which
- > people report, and harder to explain downward accelerations (as in Hill's
- > famous circling UFO sighting, in which horizontal circles were followed
- > by vertical ones). A UFO at the top of a vertical circle obviously can't
- > be pushing on the Earth. I'll have to see if he explains this later in
- > the book.
- If all UFO motion is some manipulation of this force, would it be fair to
- expect UFOs to repel each other? This would be at variance with Hill's
- description of tightly circling saucers.